ISE metal rating

ISE metal rating
Use our verification service

Have a metal rating verified by the ISE 

If you are presented with a valuation of our house, please have them verified by us to prevent forgeries or false information.

Please send us an e-mail [email protected] with the subject "Verification" and the attached report. Alternatively, you can also give us a call. To our contact details

We will answer you immediately by email.

All analyzes and ratings from us are from 2019 on copy-safe paper with watermarks. Let us show you the originals or verify the copies. Metals are commodities and are therefore subject to natural price fluctuations. An evaluation is therefore only valid for a period of six months.


Please note the following when submitting reviews from ISE. 

  • Reviews are ALWAYS only valid for 6 months. Metals are subject to price fluctuations.
  • Metal product ratings are ALWAYS given in the smallest unit and CANNOT be scaled linearly.
  • Please always have the submitted review checked by us, by email or phone.
  • Reviews that were issued before 2020 are definitely no longer meaningful.
  • There is ALWAYS an ISE analysis number on an ISE assessment.
  • An original ISE rating always has an ISE watermark and copy protection.
  • If you are unsure, please call or write to us beforehand.
  • We store ratings for a maximum of 3 years and can no longer be verified afterwards. If you are presented with an old evaluation, it is no longer meaningful and you should refrain from doing so.
We only create ISE assessments under certain conditions. Please read them carefully. Learn more about how to do it here.
ISE rating
An ISE rating always refers to the smallest unit of your goods and gives you an indication of the price. You can find out more here if you would like to commission a valuation.
Query evaluation
Please do your due diligence when receiving evaluations from the ISE. Here you can read real reviews.
contract award
Place an order with ISE for your assessment. Here you will find contact details, prices and forms to place your order.
Do you have questions about our services?
We will advise you by phone. Make an appointment with us and use the contact form.
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