Metal News

Trade in rare earths and metals

Buying and selling of rare earths and metals

Until the completion of our database, all sales positions are listed here:

Trading platform for rare earths and metals

Again and again, we were approached by sellers as well as by buyers of rare earths and also metals, whether we know of any supplier or buyer of goods offered. Through our naturally grown network, we have access to a wide range of producers, distributors and end users of rare earths and metals. We are also happy to help you to find the right partner. However, as both sites are reluctant to public in most cases, this area is password protected.

Thats how it works:

  1. Send us an email at [email protected] with a description of what you want to sell or buy and your contact details.
  2. After verification you will receive an access code for the closed user group of rare earth and metal sellers and sellers.
  3. In the closed area, your goods are offered and a chat is set up for fast communication.
  4. Upon successful completion of the transaction, the institution receives a commission of 3% of the business volume from the page that initiated the search request.

Closed user area for distributors, producers and end users who want to buy and / or sell rare earths and / or metals.

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